Statement on structures of injustice:

Our purpose is to help people to be more loving. Doing so requires being honest about injustice in our society and within ourselves.

Western society is built on white supremacy, colonialism, patriarchy, queer/transphobia, sexism, ablism and many more forms of discrimination, extraction, and marginalization. We at Inner Wild Institute stand firmly against these structures, acknowledging that we must work both within and outside ourselves to dismantle them on a daily basis.

We stand in solidarity with those protesting injustice, working for equity, and feeling the outrage and grief of marginalization and violence. We will always push this organization to stand on the side of our marginalized family and pledge to donate a portion of our proceeds to organizations actively combating these structures.

We also acknowledge the ways in which our privilege has allowed us to benefit from these systems of injustice, and are committed to continuing the self-examination necessary to grow, change, and leave these structures behind.

Land acknowledgment:

This country’s history of colonialism and violence is particularly wretched with respect to the treatment of the original settlers, the Indigenous Tribes or First Peoples. Centuries of violence, broken treaties and promises, institutional violence on reservations and residential schools and more leave us with a responsibility to do something. As mentioned above, all non Indigenous Americans benefit directly from what was done to First Peoples in this country’s name.

We would like to acknowledge the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Duwamish, Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla, Wenatchi, Yakama, and Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, upon whose land which we are learning, working and organizing today. We hope to atone for this violence by cherishing the land and working to heal each person who attends a retreat. One small way to bring direct justice is to pay rent to the Duwamish and other tribes, and we encourage you to join us by contributing at